Six years ago today, I came back to my dorm room after class only to be surprised by Matt, anxiously awaiting my arrival so he could ask me out in person. (Yes, I have always told him it was way cheesy to ask me out on Valentine’s Day, but it worked.) Little did we know how far we’d come in the next few years. Below are just a few reasons I adore my husband…

Very passionate about life
Loves Duke basketball a ridiculous amount
External processor πŸ™‚
Not a complainer
Tries his hardest in all he does

Incredible friend
Never turns down my cooking

Extremely generous
Shows his love for me on a daily basis

Devoted husband and father
Actively involved in God’s mission in the world
Yes, I love him like crazy

4 Comments on a valentine’s day acrostic for my husband…

  1. I remember that day! πŸ™‚ Love you two! (three, four, five… counting chloe and the newest peanut)

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