About once a year, I wax poetic about “the rivah”.  I talk ad nauseam about how wonderful and peaceful and truly relaxing it is.  I go on and on about how the Northern Neck has quickly become one of my favorite vacation spots ever.  How its beauty is unassuming and yet resplendent and how I never EVER want to leave.

I’ll spare you all of that today.  (Ha.)

A few weekends ago, Mary Grace and I headed to the river for a girls’ weekend before she’s launched into the world of kindergarten.  (I know.)  I bravely stepped back and let Mary Grace call the shots during the course of those few days.  Not surprisingly, this translated to: (1) dead-animal-hunting (read: she started a collection of every dead/decaying sea creature and insect she could get her hands on), (2) a weekend-long possibly-hazardous diet of McDonald’s and Slurpees, and (3) lots of talking.  So much talking.  Bless her chatty little heart, the child never.stopped.talking.


Basically, it was great.  I always love one on one time with the kids, and this was, for sure, a weekend that I’ll always remember.  And the best part?  We didn’t have to mourn our departure because…


alas!  We knew we’d be back a mere FOUR days later with THE WHOLE CREW!  I’m pretty sure our grand arrival disrupts something in the delicate Northern Neck ecosystem.  No really.  I googled “noise pollution” and started feeling a little guilt-ridden.  Regardless, it was all kinds of wonderful.  For us.  Not the rest of the planet.










On one of our last days of vacation, I looked at Matt and informed him, “I’ve officially reached my maximum level of relaxation.  This is as relaxed as I can possibly get.  Just so you know.”  For Matt, few words are more enchanting.  I’m telling you- the place is pure magic.





Sadly, however, the magic had to come to an end.  Upon our arrival home- within moments of setting foot in our house- I looked at Matt again, this time devoid of any relaxation of which I had previously boasted, and I said, “Alright, Matt.  You watch the kids.  It’s GO TIME.”  And I started flying about, maniacally unpacking and washing and scheduling and emailing and allofthethings.  After an entire weekend of this, um,  maybe-not-endearing behavior, I finally collapsed on the couch and sighed, “Ahh.  That’s better.”

Sorry, babe.  Hope you enjoyed the enchantment and magic while it lasted.  There’s always next year.