Once upon a time, in a small orphanage nestled in a remote village of eastern Congo, the lives of two sweet Congolese babies intersected.  Not only were they orphanage buddies, but they made the trek to Kinshasa together where they were subsequently fostered by the same family.  At that point in their lives, they were each others’ only constant.

IMG_0329Meanwhile, half across the world, the lives of two families- one in Texas, the other in North Carolina- would also intersect as we navigated the ups and downs of the adoption process together.  We flew together, met our babies together, cried together, hit US soil together.  And then we parted ways.

IMG_0383Until this weekend!!  Isaya and Elizabeth were, at long last, reunited!  His family has recently relocated and now lives just a few hours down the road, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.  Because two words: arranged marriage.

IMG_9388Isaya is quite the lady’s man.  However, Elizabeth?  She played the “hard to get” role well.  (atta girl.)

IMG_9403But girlfriend wasn’t hard to get for long.

IMG_9395It was almost too much for me to take in.  So many tears were shed over these children.  So many desperate prayers answered.

IMG_9398Sometimes all you can do is stand in awe of God’s grace and goodness.

IMG_9408So when these two fall in love one day, as they obviously MUST, they’ll have quite the story to tell.  Destination wedding in DRC anyone?