I jinxed myself.

It’s old news that the south was snowed on this week.  And when it snows in the south, we don’t function well.  Actually, we just don’t function; we shut the heck down.  I haven’t worked.  The kids haven’t gone to school.  And we’ve all reached our cabin fever breaking point.

BUT.  It hasn’t been all bad.

1. It was fun having Matt around mid-week.  He MAJORLY comes in handy when it comes to kids wanting to play in the snow.  Because, as we’ve already established, I don’t do cold.  I shiver and whimper and whine before quietly convincing one of the kids that they really need to go inside to pee… and then never make it back out.

2. Snowcream.  We’ve eaten a lot of it.  As I ate a huge bowl of it with for lunch today, Mary Grace looked at me and said, “uh, mommy. If you keep eating that, you’re really going to grow up!”  I don’t think she meant it kindly.

3. No school carpool.  Sure, this also meant no school which we all neeeeed like the air we breathe.  But, in an attempt to see the glass half-full, it has been unbelievably pleasant to avoid multiple days of carpool.

4. Sweatpants and pajamas.  I’ve made Matt promise that he’d promptly inform me if he starts judging me for rotating from one pair of sweats/PJs to the next.  I have even resurrected a pair of ultra-comfy Gap Kids sweatpants that I bought in college well over a decade ago.  This is concerning on so many levels, and still I think they might just make it into my wardrobe rotation.  And Matt?  There have been no reports of judgement yet.  I told you he’s a winner.

After feeling on the verge of crazy yesterday (you guys, we did paper mache yesterday.  paper mache!!  if that doesn’t tip you off to the craziness, I’m not sure what else will….), I think we’ve finally hit our sweet spot today.  This probably has something to do with the fact that I could finally drive safely and BREAK OUT of this house.  We spent nearly two hours at the library this morning where the librarians dressed my kids up in mustaches and sombreros (huh?) and then came home to read/play ninjas in the snow.  (Carson read.  Mary Grace played ninjas.  Par for the course.)


The theme of library story time today was penguins.  I’m just as confused as you are.

It’s been real, winter wonderland.  We’ve eaten our fill of your snowcream.  We’ve played until our dainty southern fingertips turned numb.  We’ve missed way. too. much. school.  And now I’m done with you.  Be gone.  (It’s not you, it’s me.)

IMG_2587here in the south, we play in the snow with beach toys.



he’s still licking all things snowy.  and yet, ironically, is the one family member who hated snowcream.


