
You’re six!  For the past 12 months, you’ve firmly insisted that you wanted to stay five forever.  That you never wanted to turn six, no not ever.  But as your big day has approached and the promise of cake and presents has come within reach, you’ve decided to embrace six.  Funny how that happens.

It’s been a big year for you, buddy!  You’ve mastered the whole big-brother-of-two-little-sisters gig.  You rocked your first season of teeball.  You started and have excelled in kindergarten.  You now have approximately half a mouthful of teeth missing.  It’s officially happening… you’re growing up.


And what an awesome kid you’re growing up to be.  You’re sweet and sensitive and compassionate.  You are one of the most inquisitive kids I’ve ever met, and you love to learn.  You’re logical and rational, and you are a rule-follower to the core.  While you strive to please others, your perfectionist tendencies often make you your own worst critic. You’re completely fascinated with maps and could draw them for hours.  For the past few months, you’ve fallen asleep every night to the unabridged Bible on CD.  Per your request.  And you casually informed us last week that you have made a new year’s resolution to save more money.  Seriously, sometimes I’m convinced that you’re an old man stuck in a 6 year old’s body.  The cutest, sweetest snaggletoothed old man ever.DSC_0195

Despite your aversion to risk, you love to climb.  Trees.  Jungle gyms.  You name it,  you’ll climb it with agility and a complete lack of fear.  You’re also a great little bike rider and get insanely frustrated with my incessant “oh!oh!be careful!!” remarks.  “Mommy, why are you afraid of everything?” you ask.  (The answer?  Because you may be six whole years old, but you’re still my baby.  That’s why.)IMG_3098

You’re still madly obsessed with Legos, and you sprint to the mailbox daily in hopes that a new Lego catalog might arrive (the catalogs are quarterly. there’s a lot of disappointment associated with this habit.)  It’s almost frightening how well you can use a computer, and it’s a never-ending battle to reign in your time on electronics.   Therefore, it’s not shocking that your favorite subject is technology.  Your favorite foods are apples, Chickfila, and candy.  You love to “crazy dance” to rap music.  And you still wake up at the flippin’ crack of dawn.  Every.single.morning.IMG_2042 1

When you grow up, you want to be an engineer, a Lego designer, a video game designer, and a paleontologist.  Keep dreaming big, buddy.  I love that in you.

Carson buddy, you’re such a  unique, special kid.  I love you and your tender heart.  I love your inquisitive nature.  I love your sweet spirit.  I love you, my big six year old.

Happy birthday, Carson!IMG_5337