I chuckled a bit when I took this picture this morning.  In the midst of the morning shuffle (i.e. physically restraining my middle child in an effort to run a brush through her hair while rounding up the last of the store-bought, non-Pinterest-worthy class valentines), I laughed at how it was such a vast misrepresentation of the slight bedlam of our home at present.  IMG_1112

Then, five minutes later, this happened.  Cupcakes for Carson’s class party right off of the hood of the car.  Ah, that’s more appropriate.  IMG_1116From a girl who, ten years ago to the day, chose to have her first date with her now-husband at a convenience store, a little bit of weird and dysfunction and imperfection seems like home to me.  So, this Valentine’s Day, we’re embracing the ridiculous ugly “heart” pancakes… and may even be found salvaging frosting from smashed cupcakes.


Happy Valentine’s Day from our crazy home to yours!