Ahh!  This is happening, y’all!  All 260 pounds of our bags are packed, and we’re ready to roll out tomorrow.  We’ll be spending tomorrow night in Richmond before our flight out at 6am on Sunday.  It’s all seeming so surreal, and I still wonder when reality will hit.  But for now, some last minute blog housekeeping.  I am going to try my very hardest to post to the blog throughout my time in DRC, but no promises.  I have been told that the wifi at our hotel is super spotty , as is the electricity.  So, in the event that I am indeed able to get online, we’ve decided that facebook would be the quickest and most efficient way to post updates.  We have created a private facebook group for this reason… and if you want in, just let me know and I’ll hook you up.  If you’re not on the facebook bandwagon, well… hop on board or make friends with someone who is! 🙂  In all seriousness, we’ll try our very best to keep y’all updated, but alas, it’s Africa.  And all bets are off in Africa.

We’re coming, Elizabeth!!