Ya know, God’s timing really is perfect.

After the head injuries, croup, colds and hurricanes of last week, this week brought with it a slower pace and peace.  It’s been so good for me to have the chance to soak in these moments of game-playing, book-reading, and leaf-jumping without the crazy stress of last week.  So good.

Pray for Carson and Mary Grace.  Honestly, I’m not one bit worried about them while I’m gone.  They’re in ultra capable hands and will be spoiled rotten.  But their worlds are about to be rocked when Elizabeth comes home.  It’s going to be joyful and exciting, yes.  But new challenges will certainly come with the addition of a toddler who doesn’t speak our language, doesn’t understand the concept of family, and who will need some extra love and attention from her parents.  Pray for all of us as we transition into a family of FIVE.

And pray for me.  I can’t even begin to wrap my brain around how hard it’s going to be to leave Carson and Mary Grace for three weeks.  I know I can do this, but I will desperately need the Lord’s strength.