I’m pretty positive that the stress of all of this paperwork drama has shaved a good five years off of my lifespan.  Just like that.  Poof, it’s gone.  Allow me to explain… The day started with a bit of a disaster.  Unbeknownst to us, the DR Congo Mission in New York was closed today for an Islamic holiday.  And apparently, our overnighted FedEx package was “left at the door” due to the office’s closure.  This is not what you want to hear 9 days prior to your departure date.  Because, really, we had no clue if this meant our passports and visa application were left on some sidewalk in front of the UN building… or in front of the door to the office of the DR Mission… or if it was really left at all.  I had visions of someone swiping our passports, preventing us from ever getting to our Elizabeth.  Thankfully, Matt got through to someone at FedEx who knew her stuff, and she reassured us that our package is indeed safe and sound inside the DR Congo Mission.  Untouched and unprocessed until Monday, yes.  But safe.  Let’s hope she’s right, and let’s pray like crazy that our visa applications get processed in record speed next week!  Trying to trust in God’s timing here…

On a better note, we did get our updated I-171H!  My final email to our USCIS officer this afternoon (it’s been a looong 2.5 years together) was a bit bittersweet.  Scratch that, it was purely sweet.  They have seen us through so many fingerprints and home studies that I’m pretty sure our officer is glad to get rid of the Allison clan as well.  Oh Officer K, it’s been real…

And our embassy paperwork.  Oh the DHL tracking that has gone down today.  It’s a sick obsession, y’all.  In short, our binder sped on through Brussels.  It flew through the checkpoint in Paris.  But then it hit African soil and has been stalled in Nigeria all day.  We were told our package would be delivered in Kinshasa today, but alas, I’m not so sure that’s going to happen.  Hoping they get a move on over there in Nigeria and get our precious paperwork onto its final destination.

Meanwhile… when I’m not stressing over tracking numbers and delivery confirmations, I have been plowing through my many to-do lists like a crazy woman.  Because there are protein bars to buy and orphanage donations to pack and lots and lots of pages of “Farmer Boy” to be read with Carson before we must return it to the library next week.  These are the things filling up my days.  It has been a bit of a struggle over the past few days because while there is so much to do, there are also two sweet kids who I will be away from for three weeks. Striking this balance is so hard. Trying to give myself grace… and reminding myself that there will be plenty of time to sleep on the flight.
Thanks so much for praying, guys!  T-9 days and counting!