Okay, guys.  We need you to pray!  Here’s the deal: our new friends in Texas who have walked alongside us throughout this journey of adopting from eastern DRC are adopting a baby boy (we’ll call him “P”) from the same orphanage as Elizabeth.  In fact, this is the same little guy that was flown over to Kinshasa last week with Elizabeth.  Well his parents, Brad and Kathleen, received word last night that he’s very sick.  He’s been in the hospital since yesterday and has been diagnosed with malaria, typhoid, and parasites.  Altogether, this can be quite serious in a baby his age, and as Kathleen said this afternoon, “he is literally fighting for his life.”

Please pray for his health.  That he would receive the medication and treatments necessary to bring him back to health.  For a quick recovery.  For wisdom for Kathleen and Brad as they decide their next steps.  We were planning to all travel together, but they might need to head over to Kinshasa very soon to be with their sweet boy.  Pray for their peace and rest.  Pray for protection of the other children at their orphanage- for their health, clean water, and safe food.

Trusting tonight in God’s sovereignty, power, and goodness.