Well, Elizabeth is at least.  The tickets have been booked for her to be flown to Kinshasa next Tuesday!   She’ll be traveling along with the orphanage director, his wife, and the new son of a sweet couple from Texas we have come to know during this adoption process.  Please, please be praying!  Again, these flights across country are known to be dangerous.  So dangerous that the embassy has prohibited U.S. government employees from traveling on them.  However, the roads are virtually impassable, and there is no other way for them to get to Kinshasa where the remainder of our adoption must take place.  Pray for their protection!

On a lighter note, thought you guys would get a kick outta this… so, I called my doctor’s office yesterday to schedule a time to get in and get a few shots I’ve been putting off as well as some prescriptions we’ll need for travel.  The receptionist with whom I spoke was super sweet and very excited for us.  I’m wondering if she picked up on my current crazed state though, as she lowered her voice and asked, “Do you think you’d like some ativan to go along with all of that?”  HA!  Based on my sleepless, mind-going-a-million-miles-an-hour state this morning, I totally should have taken her up on it.

Hoping to hear something super soon (uh, today would be cool) about our embassy interview date.  And GOODNESS GRACIOUS we are hoping to get our fingerprint appointments stat.  Gettin’ down to the wire, people… gettin’ down to the wire.