Well, if you asked me, I’d say that Christmas 2008 was quite a success. We spent a very busy week seeing family and friends and came back to North Carolina utterly exhausted. Unfortunately, I didn’t take nearly as many pictures as I would have liked, but here are just a few to satisfy you grandmothers and great-grandmothers. šŸ™‚

Out of all of the wonderful presents he received, this Firehouse Subs fireman hat was one of Carson’s favorites. He would have worn it to bed if we had let him. Thank you, Grandma and Pawpaw!
Carson (in the hat again) is definitely all boy. He loves this new racetrack he received and will knock cars off and squeal in glee.It was so cute to see Carson develop such an attachment to my brother. He would just stand next to William with his arms raised up, waiting to be thrown around by his uncle.Me, Libby, and our boys (minus Will). Unfortunately, Carson came home with a bad cold and Thomas was just diagnosed with pneumonia. Merry Christmas to us…

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