What in the heck does CPNP stand for, you ask? Well, let me just tell you… it stands for Certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, which is exactly what I was as of 10:56 this morning when I found out that I passed my boards!! Woohoo! šŸ™‚ I have no more brain power to add any further discussion to today’s blog, but I did want to pass on the good news. Many thanks for the well wishes, prayers, and the wonderful 4 bag assortment of jellybeans (that would be Matt who obviously knows the way to my heart)!!

3 Comments on CPNP!!!

  1. We congratulate you and are so pleased that you received the best we had to genetically offer. Is there a title for a “more than doctor”? Paw Paw & GrandMa

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Catherine! I am so proud of you!!!!!!
    I want to get over there to hold that beautiful Carson – Drew, too – before he leaves on the 14th! I will call you next week.

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