Confession: I was about to title this post “craft fair FAIL”, however I decided it may be a bit too negative. In retrospect, I should have realized that participating in a craft fair at a seminary (i.e. with other poor seminary students as clientele) would not yield the best results. Oh well, you win some and you lose some, and I’m grateful for the little bit of extra money we now have to bring Wyatt home. Either way, I had a great time spending the day with these other Summit adoptive mamas!

Now, who wants to buy bows? I have a ton of super cute bows in every size and color! You know you want some!! πŸ™‚

4 Comments on craft fair craziness

  1. Yeah I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with all my leftovers….

    At least we got to spend the day together πŸ˜‰

  2. yep, may not have brought in a lot of money, but it's more than we had to start with! and it was a fun day hanging out with everyone!

  3. girl, we find out if baby #2 is a boy or girl in TWO weeks, and if it's a girl I will be hitting you up for some SUPER frilly, pink, sparkly bows:):)

  4. I would love to buy some bows! I go to Summit BC am and could meet you there if that is your campus. I'm a friend of Katie Treece. πŸ™‚


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