International adoption ain’t no joke, people. In light of some more big potential changes in Rwandan adoptions, Matt and I were both wide eyed and completely unable to rest our minds into the wee hours of the morning. I’m not going to go into all the details at this point, as (A) I don’t have the mental capacity to do so at present and (B) I would rather wait it out to see how things transpire in the coming days before declaring anything on here. If you pray, though, then I would ask you to consider praying for the following…

  • Wisdom among those in charge at the ministry in Rwanda. They are very hard working and committed to placing their children in loving homes. This is a time of transition for them, as a new minister of gender and family is stepping into position this week (tomorrow, I believe). Pray for a smooth transition and clear direction on the best ways to place orphaned children into families. For wisdom as they make decisions about adoption.
  • For the children in other orphanages across Rwanda. For the necessary paperwork to come into place for these children to be eligible for adoption. UNICEF estimates over a million orphans in Rwanda, but the reality remains that the vast majority do not have the necessary paperwork filed on them to be adopted. Pray for these children.
  • For the waiting families to continue to trust in God’s faithfulness and goodness. He is in control. I am not. And this is something that I have needed to remind myself on a minute by minute basis over the past few days… and, well, the past year.

In the meantime, you can find me with my face buried in the Psalms with Kari Jobe serenading me in the background. Because, let’s face it, sometimes King David and Kari Jobe are the only people who can get through to me when I’m in freakout mode…

7 Comments on it ain’t no joke

  1. I'm praying exactly as you asked. Our family is experiencing the very same emotions, and we are with you 100 percent!! God is good ALL THE TIME!

  2. All the uncertainty in this process is so hard, but trust that God is certain!! And none of this surprises him. Praying for you guys!!

  3. Praying for you guys!! We have walked in your shoes with information and not knowing what is going to happen. May God's Peace be upon you!

  4. the adoption journey is not an easy one…Keep pressing on in long obedience

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