When Matt informed me that we would be hosting a bunch of six grade boys at our house as a part of our church’s youth retreat this past weekend, I knew this presented the perfect opportunity for me to peace out of this town. So, the bambinos and I took a little road trip home to what our Virginia Beach friends have dubbed “Magical Mystical Magnificent Midlothian.”
I don’t know how magical it is, but I really do miss that place. After randomly running into two of my favorite Richmonders (“Midlothianers” just doesn’t work) at the mall, I realized how much I miss routinely running into people I know. I miss having everything I could possibly want within a 10 minute drive. I miss 7-Eleven slurpees. I miss being surrounded by family. I miss everyone at our old church. I miss the Richmond Times Dispatch. I miss the James River. I miss Penelope. Sweet goodness, I miss Ukrop’s!!! (And the rest of Richmond will be soon, too).
Honestly, I didn’t really want to come back today. If it wasn’t for my fabulous church down here, a job I love and- oh yeah- my husband, I might just have stayed in Midlo for good.
Oh, and the pictures? We took Carson over to our friend’s beautiful farm where Carson fed the goats, kissed the horses, and tried to jump in to play with their new longhorn cow. And lest we forget my second-born… Mary Grace was spoiled rotten, as usual. Here we see her modeling her new outfit, a la Mimi and Grandad… as well as a lovely new gash on her nose thanks to her always growing fingernails.
5 Comments on missing VA
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she is adorable and i am sooo sorry i missed you all-but at least i sent over one member of my family to hug and kiss on mary grace
Oh it's ok, Beth! Hope you had a happy birthday… and Ellie was sooo good with Mary Grace AND Carson!!
It was so great to see you, even if it was just briefly…Mary Grace is sooooooo cute! Glad yall made it back safely!
That bottom picture of Mary Grace is the first one that I have ever looked at and thought wow she really looks like Carson! We really need to try to get our kiddos together.
I saw Matt on Friday and told him how much I love your blog. And I love this post because I too miss Richmond (midlo)! It does seem that everything is so far away here compared to there. And I miss a good Friendly's icecream sunday. At least Ukrop's will get to keep the bakery. I don't know what a birthday is without a Ukrop's cake!