It’s been quiet in the Rwanda adoption blogosphere. Why? Because nobody knows a darn thing about what’s going on.

Well, I take that back.

I have learned a few teeny tiny morsels of information, and at this point, I’m clinging to anything I can get.

First and foremost, our dossier was, in fact, delivered to the Ministry of Gender and the Promotion of Family. As far as we know, we haven’t been assigned a number yet. I’m guessing we’ll be in the 130/140’s. From what I hear, they are at least working on adoptions. I have read that they have set aside an office specifically purposed for reviewing dossiers, and they are indeed assigning numbers.

I also learned last week that the Rwandan officials have requested help from Gladney (our agency) to learn how to best process intercountry adoptions and to walk them through the transition to Hague. So, next month, several people from Gladney, including our awesome caseworker, are making the trip over to Rwanda to provide some guidance. This is awesome on so many accounts! I’m hoping that we will have tons of additional information in terms of wait time and other expectations after their return.

So that’s it. Not much, I know. But I’ll take what I can get at this point.