Matt has taken it upon himself to teach our son to identify every single team in the ACC by logo and mascot. He might not know numbers or the ABC’s, but at least he’s got his college sports down.

By the way, he’s wearing his elf ears that he received from his Santa visit. He loves them a little too much and has now worn them all over the Raleigh/Durham vicinity.

Also, I promise he sometimes wears pants. Really.

4 Comments on …now I know my ACC’s…

  1. Ok, I don't like the Carolina "boo" comment, but that is pretty amazing! Just think what that kid could do if Matt was teaching him things of use. HA!
    And I think he may be smarter than me so we can't hang out ever…

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. That's hilarious!! I'm so impressed! I feel like he could get on Oprah or something if you posted this on You Tube. So cute!

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