
Carson buddy,

I don’t know- this just may have been my favorite year in parenting you thus far.  You’re already an old soul- you always have been-  but this year, you’ve just matured and grown in such huge ways.  It’s an absolute joy to sit on the front row as you slowly discover and embrace how God uniquely created you.  Sensitive.  Compassionate.  Kind.  Focused.  Driven.  Competitive.  He has mighty plans for you, bud.IMG_6775

You love the familiar and the daily grind, and you really dislike change, so our move this past spring required a whole lot of bravery and trust on your part.  However, you’ve rocked it, kid.  You powered through the hard and embraced the change and are thriving at your new school more than ever.  We’re so proud of you.IMG_3073

I love how you know who you are and feel confident enough to just do your thing.  Your nose is always in a book, and you visit your school librarian every. single. morning. before school starts.  This makes me smile.  Like, a lot.  You also are a big fan of Minecraft and Pokemon, both of which I have tried REALLY HARD to understand and enjoy (for your sake and your sake only, my child)… but have failed.  HOWEVER, you have also recently taught yourself how to rap along with your favorite Shai Linne CD, and THAT I can fully get behind!  But like I said, you just do your thing.IMG_4129

Over the past few months, I have watched you pray for class bullies and stand up for the underdog.  I have seen you climb into bed with your sister when she’s had a rotten day, rubbing her back as she drifted off to sleep.  I’ve watched God use a seven year old kid for His purposes and kingdom.  And man, nothing could make make me more proud.

We’ll absolutely cheer for you and celebrate with you as you make those good grades, earn those academic accolades, make those last-second shots to win the game.  Of course we will.  But, Carson, loving God by loving others will ALWAYS be most prized in our home.  Keep loving big.

Happy birthday, you big eight year old.IMG_6782