I have learned a couple things over the past week or so…
1. I am incredibly thankful that I am not a single mother. Matt went to a conference last week which resulted in me begging him never to leave me again. I’m telling you- it is not easy to get ready for work with a screaming child while dealing with the psycho dog, leaving said screaming child at the sitter’s, working your tail off until it’s time to book it back to the sitter’s house… go home, feed and bathe child, and finish off the evening charting…. all alone. It actually looks like Matt will be taking a group of middle schoolers to South Africa this summer for 10 days, and I don’t know what’s worse- the fact that I cannot come with him or that I’ll be alone that long.
2. The Happiest Toddler on the Block, as mentioned in previous post, was highly disappointing. There were a few worthwhile points, but all in all, I thought it was just weird. Now I’m onto Dobson which is a lot more my speed.
3. I’m realizing more and more that Carson needs time outside every day. His sanity- and therefore the sanity of his parents- depends on it. Spring please come quickly!!
4. I really and truly enjoy watching basketball games in person but I could care less about games on tv. Matt and I went to the Duke/UVA game on Sunday, and I had the best time. Matt needs to bow down and praise my father for breeding this in me through taking me to countless Richmond Spiders games in my childhood.
5. Related to #4… I have learned that it is very, very nice to get away every now and then without Carson. While we were at the game on Sunday, Carson napped away at his great-grandparent’s house in Durham. This was a luxury that we have enjoyed far too infrequently since his birth… we really need to work on this!