weekend in pictures

I forgot to mention one of the most wonderful parts of Carson’s birthday! Typically, Matt watches Carson on Fridays when I work all day, but for the next three weeks he is taking a class on Fridays. The thought of Carson spending his first birthday with his new babysitter rather than with his parents was making me feel super guilty, but off to work I went. (Side note: his new babysitter is absolutely fabulous and is a true answer to lots and lots of prayer!!) Well, I showed up to work to find that the entire town of Smithfield was without power. After seeing patients in the dark for several hours, my boss asked me if I minded if we closed up shop for the rest of the day. I just about cried.
God. is. so. good.

I don’t know you can fully appreciate the nastiness of my son in this last picture. I have no clue what has gotten into him, but he has started this annoying habit of smearing food in his hair when he eats. I don’t know if this is a “boys will be boys” sort of thing, but I told Matt that I’m going to start putting a hat on his head as soon as I sit him down at the table.