If we all turn orange…

… you can blame me!

There are certain joys of fall that I love. These include but are not limited to candy corn and pumpkin. Unfortunately, my self-control when it comes to candy corn is non-existent, so by the time the leaves have fallen off the trees, I am usually so sickened by the sight of another piece of candy corn that I am unable to partake in their sugary goodness until the following year’s stash shows up on the shelves.

Apparently, I have also gone a bit overboard when it comes to pumpkin this year. As we were dining on homemade pumpkin ravioli (not good. don’t try it.) last night, it occurred to me that in the past week, we had consumed pumpkin bread, pumpkin cake, pumpkin ravioli, and pumpkin cookies (compliments of our new neighbors). Even Carson is on board with my recent obsession. As ghetto as this sounds, he was eating canned pumpkin straight from the can last night and could not get enough of it! He even devoured the nasty pumpkin ravioli that I so painstakingly labored over last night in the kitchen. At least someone enjoyed it…

Oh and to make up for last night’s culinary flop, the tried and true spaghetti and meatballs is on the menu tonight. Don’t worry, Matt, there will be no pumpkin in sight!