on the mend

I apologize for how quiet this blog has been recently, but I am happy to report that the Allison clan is finally on the mend. Last week was rough. After two days of an unexplained high fever, I finally took it upon myself to hold Carson down and use my finger as a tongue blade to get a good look in his mouth. I was horrified to see his poor little throat covered with horrendous looking ulcers. Now, I see sick kids day in and day out, but it is an entirely different story when it comes to my own child. Carson’s misery just broke my heart, but an antiviral, lots of Tylenol, and several sleepless nights later, he is back to his normal wild self.

Unfortunately, I do believe that Carson and I unknowingly infected my sister’s entire household when we were down there two weekends ago. Whoops!

Aside from the snotty noses and ulcered throats that defined our last week, we continue to be doing well here in NC. I am still loving my job which is such an amazing blessing. Granted, I am working my tail off, but God has given me a deep sense of purpose there as He has handed me this opportunity as my mission field here in NC.

Matt is really enjoying seminary and has been surprisingly diligent about his school work. I mention this because I rarely saw the guy crack a book when we were dating in undergrad. I hoped his habits would change upon beginning seminary- after all, he was moving us down here for this very reason! Well, he has proven himself to be quite the scholar and is truly enjoying his classes.

Oh yeah, and we found our dream home a couple weeks ago! The square footage was to die for, the house was brand new, the gigantic garage made Matt’s heart skip a beat, and the price was unbelievable. I had already decorated the place in my head and planned how wonderful the next years in our beautiful new home would be. We put an offer on it, held our breath…. and it was declined. Shoot. The awesome part of the story, though, is how faithful God is in answering our prayers. You see, we had been praying for God to give us peace about our decision as well as the outcome. Well, as much as we adored that house, we were both able to move on immediately without regret. How’s that for the peace that passeth all understanding?! So, we forge onward in the house hunt, but in the meantime our little apartment here in Garner is suiting us just fine.

Oh and one more thing before I wind up this disorganized mess of a blog. Carson can BOOGY! No really! As soon as he hears any sort of music, he starts rocking and swaying back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. He had Matt and I rolling on the floor laughing the other night. Just another reason why I love that boy more than life itself…