Carson: In Pictures

I’m finally delivering on my promise of pictures. As you’ll see, Carson is thriving here in Garner… and is ensuring that his mom and dad are 100% exhausted at the end of the day.

Carson donning his new Pepperdine t-shirt given to him by our favorite future lawyer of Malibu. Hopefully he will never need your legal services, Erin, but he does love your gift!

When I was working last week, Matt and Carson drove up to Durham to see his great-grandparents and his second cousin, Morgan (and Reese Cup, the dog). He doesn’t look spoiled or anything, does he??
Classic mischievous look. Note the slobber marks on the wall next to the outlet. Yes, his new trick is climbing the walls to try and suck on the electrical sockets. Thank God I child-proofed this place like crazy!First experience with mashed potatoes. We were just trying to pacify him long enough for us to eat our own dinner, but obviously it was a hit.
This boy just cracks me up.