Packing and Purging

For a results oriented individual like myself, packing up a house is the ultimate job. It has been my goal for a couple weeks now to pack one box a day, and in doing so, I hoped that my stress levels would be kept at bay as moving day approached. I never would have guessed that I would get so into this. I find so much satisfaction in seeing the boxes stack up in our dining room while the house becomes emptier and emptier. Now, I’m not going to lie, I dread unpacking these boxes… and doing it all over again when we presumably move out of our apartment in another six months. But for the time being, it’s not so bad.

Another aspect of this whole moving thing that is quite gratifying is the purging. Our china cabinet is now housed in Waco, Texas with some of our newlywed friends and our dining room table and chairs are headed to Virginia Beach with my brother. Finally, we made the decision not to move my beloved piano to NC with us, and so as of tomorrow it can be found at the beautiful Northfield Foundation. (I must add- if you have never heard of Northfield, please do yourself a favor and check out this website. It is an amazing ministry, and God’s blessings are all over it. I could not imagine a better home for my piano.) We have been so blessed by the gratitude of various individuals who essentially furnished and decorated our first home, and it is so fulfilling to continue on this tradition of giving…. not to mention the fact that it will be nice to have a few less items to move in a couple weeks!