Interviews Abound

Some of you might recall the story I told exactly one month ago of God’s faithfulness in allowing my nurse practitioner license number to be processed in time to apply for a part-time position doing community health. Well, I am excited to say that one of the physicians with the health department called me today to schedule an interview! I actually already had been contacted last week by a private pediatric practice and had an interview scheduled for next Wednesday afternoon, so I decided to go all out and schedule myself for an entire day of interview fun. So, next Wednesday at 10:30 am I will be interviewing at Wake County Human Services, followed by interview #2 in a nearby suburb at 1:30 pm. Prayers would be much appreciated!! Meanwhile, I will spend the coming week agonizing over critical details like whether I should wear the pants or the skirt that go with my suit and where I might find cute yet professional looking shoes…