You are Good

This week, as I was rocking Carson to sleep in the still, quiet night, I had his “Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies” CD playing in the background. This has been one of my favorite baby purchases, for it not only spares us both from the super cheesy lullaby CDs that are out there, but I also love the thought of Carson falling asleep to words of Scripture and truth every night.

As I was rocking my boy this particular night, tears stung my eyes as I soaked in the words of a song entitled “You are Good”…

When the sun starts to rise and I open my eyes
You are good so good
In the heat of the day with each stone I lay
You are so good

With every breath I take in
I’ll tell You I am grateful again
When the moon climbs high before each kiss goodnight
You are good

When the road starts to turn around each bend I’ve learned
You are good so good
And when somebody’s hand holds me up helps me stand
You are so good

With every breath I take in
I’ll tell You I’m grateful again
Cause its more than enough just to know i am loved
And You are good

So how can I thank You
What can I bring
What can these poor hands lay at the feet of the King
I’ll sing You a love song
It’s all that I have
To tell You I’m grateful for holding my life in Your Hands

When it’s dark and it’s cold and I can’t feel my soul
You are good
When the world is gone gray and the rain is here to stay
You are still good

So with every breath I take in
I’ll tell You I am grateful again
And the storm my swell even then
It’s well and You are good

I had already heard this song dozens of times before, but for some reason, the words hit me like a load of bricks this time around, and I have had it on “repeat” ever since. “God is good” is a phrase that we throw around all the time. The prayers of children declare that “God is great and God is good” as they thank Him for their mac ‘n cheese, and preschool Sunday School classes around the nation echo with voices singing “God is so good. God is so good. God is so good, He’s so good to me…”

But are we truly believing what we say?

I, for one, know that my carnal nature tends to get way too caught up in worry and fear, and in doing so, I lack complete faith in God’s goodness. Especially recently, as so much of what lies ahead of me and Matt is unknown, I have had to remind myself over and over and over again that my God is good and knows what is best for my family.

I checked YouTube, and sure enough, someone has posted this song here. I urge you to watch it and take it in. Maybe it will encourage you as much as it has encouraged me this week.