a month with the Allisons in reused instagram pictures and non-witty captions

Apparently I haven’t uploaded pictures in a month.  Which clearly means there have been too many wordy posts as of late.  Which totally means there are a few highly disgruntled grandparents/great-grandparents out there who are just here for the pictures.  So, to the grandparents and the like, this one goes out to you.  Behold.  The past month, in photos and not-so-witty (y’all.  I’m TIRED.) captions…

IMG_0144The boys went to a Virginia Tech/Duke football game.  Meanwhile, the girls stayed behind to look cute in their Hokies gear.  While waving their Blue Devils pompoms.  Because we’re all obviously very confused around here.

IMG_0154Speaking of sports…

IMG_0253Mary Grace attended her first Duke basketball game at Cameron.  This is a big deal in the Allison family.  They’re kind of, uh, serious about their Blue Devils.  And Mary Grace seems to have bought in to the crazy.

IMG_0093Then, changing gears, Elizabeth had her first legit SALON experience!  And I didn’t even get to partake in the fun.  Nope, MATT took her.  To the salon.  To have her hair braided.  Awesome, right?  And couldn’t you just eat her up?

IMG_0293Then there was Thanksgiving.  We headed to Richmond this year which was a really fabulous distraction from all of my surgery craziness (more on that another time).  We made smores.  And tried on old wedding dresses.  You know, the norm.

IMG_0296And OH YEAH, ate a pretty awesome Thanksgiving meal.  This was the littlest kid table.  These three girls, all born within 17 months of each other, are a mess together.  In an adorably sweet but pray-for-us-when-they’re-teenagers sorta way.

IMG_0257Then, there’s Lucy who has taken up residence in Elizabeth’s playhouse.  They now sleep in there together.  All night, every night.  Maybe I should put a stop to this, but I just can’t.

IMG_0346There have been beautiful days of sibling love in which I’m convinced I’m totally NAILING this whole mothering gig.

IMG_0318And less than beautiful moments in which I discover that an unnamed, particularly sneaky child of ours ate at least 50 pieces of Halloween candy in one night and subsequently attempted to hide the evidence behind their bookshelf and bed.  I asked aforementioned child if he/she felt sick after eating candy all night.  The answer?  “Are you kidding me?  No!  I felt great!”  Help me, Jesus.

IMG_0075And lest I leave a post on a negative note, how ’bout we follow that precious story up with an extra sweet picture of these faces, shall we?  Smiling.  Getting along beautifully.  No evidence of hidden Halloween contraband.  Almost angelic looking.
