summery things

Oh hey there, little blog.  Somehow, with all of the summery festivities going down, you have been pushed to back-burner.  Don’t fret, though.  It’s not you; it’s me.  And as for me, I have utilized those fleeting moments of free time for other ultra-important matters. Like catching up on really important world news and current events… via DVRed episodes of The Tonight Show.  Y’all, I do what I can.

Seriously though, my Type A self might break out in hives if I get too far behind here.  Because if it isn’t blogged about, it clearly didn’t happen.

IMG_7914Pre-vacation, there was this.  Kids Week.  Known as VBS in some circles, Kids Week is one of the busiest, loudest, fun-est, most exhausting weeks of the summer.  My kids really excel at busy/loud/fun/exhausting, so this is obviously a highlight of their summer.

IMG_7919Kids Week also serves as an opportunity for Matt to act completely ridiculous on stage and off, a role he plays a little too well.

IMG_7931Speaking of ridiculous, I also dressed my kids like cows for free Chickfila.  No shame, y’all.  None.

IMG_8383IMG_8403There was the time Carson’s mind was blown with his first experience with a gaming truck (They’re huge trucks filled inside and out with video games of every variety.  In other words, every 6 year old boy’s dream come true)…


…and the time Lucy’s mind was blown when we sent her careening down a huge slide at the park.  (Yo, PETA.  She’s fine.  Maybe she even enjoyed it.  Maybe.)

IMG_7947Per usual, there has been plenty of Mary Grace hilarity.

IMG_8442(Plenty.) IMG_8510

And so much sweetness from this little girl that it almost makes me forget her less-sweet three year old moments.  Because it’s a proven fact that the three’s are oh-so-much-harder than the two’s.  I’ve conducted the research myself.

IMG_7945 IMG_8491

I attempted to create a rich educational moment by introducing my kids to the state capitol.  They preferred to “ride” cannons instead.


Also, hot Krispy Kreme donuts.  No further explanation needed.


There have been sleepovers.  As I tucked the girls in together, I cried about their sweet relationship.  And when the party picked back up again at 2am, I nearly cried at the sleep I would never get back.


So, yes.  This summer has been good to us so far.


Perfect?  Heavens no.  Because who does that?

IMG_7964But good.*

*Note: this so happens to be the Longest Summer Ever, with Carson not returning to school until the second week of September.  Which might as well be Christmas.  That said, check back in with me next month, and we’ll reassess.