Family Update (Because apparently there are kids out there with baby books and scrapbooks and this is the best I’ve got.)


The other day, I found myself in the ultimate Circle ‘O Guilt.  I had rolled up to my kids’ school, ready to spend the morning helping out at field day.  Innocent.  Blameless.  A+ Mom Status.  Or so I thought.

UNTIL.  I found myself in The Mom Huddle, and the conversation turned dark.  Condemning.

Baby books and scrapbooks.

Y’all.  Did you know this is even a thing any more?   I CERTAINLY DID NOT.  But it is.  According my sources, children not only have completed baby books these days, but they still have scrapbooks!  With real printed-out PHOTOS that you can touch.  Hold.  And are not floating out there in some invisible “cloud.”

If that’s you, I offer you a digital pat on the back.  I applaud your dedication.  When your children are old and grey, they will have real, actual tokens of their childhood to have and to hold.  Meanwhile, my kids will be left scrounging through old hard drives.  “That old Instagram thing mom used to have.”  And this blog.

And, with that, I think we’re due for an Allison Family Update.  You’re welcome, children.



Talks like Barbie.  Because she’s the third kid and has been allowed access to things I have previously shunned (read: Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse.  OMG.), her language is now WAY TOO REMINISCENT of a Barbie clone.

Me: “Hey Elizabeth, go brush your teeth.”

Elizabeth: “Yeah, girl.  I’m on it.”

Me: “Elizabeth, wanna go out to lunch?”

Elizabeth: “Right on, girl.  I love to chill with you.”

Me: *kisses Matt as he leaves for work*

Elizabeth: “Oh, girl.  That’s so romantic.”

THIS IS A VERY REAL PROBLEM, PEOPLE.  Elizabeth, I know Barbie is SO RAD and everything, but I’m thinking Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse may have to “disappear” from Netflix for a while.  Sorry, girl.


Elizabeth also continues to be a lover of all things sequined, glittery, and bedazzled.  As such, Sequined Cat Purse remains front and center in her daily life.

It must be known, however, that her adoration of All Things Fancy does not stop her from getting filthy outside with her siblings.  Because, it’s all about balance.  Girl.


I found him like this the other night, hours past his bedtime.  Squatting on his bathroom counter, book in hand.  Needless to say, he’s still a lover of reading.  Most recently, he’s been obsessing over the old-school Garfield comic books which he thinks are the FUNNIEST EVER.

He’s had a fantastic year in second grade and has enthusiastically declared it his best year yet.  (Why?  Because he was allowed to hit up the library every. single. day.  Bless.)


  When Carson’s not reading (or playing Scrabble. because he’s awesome.), he can be found climbing.  Everything.

A few weeks ago, we were at a cookout when we realized Carson had been missing for a while.  Within minutes, Matt found him a good THIRTY FEET up in a tree.  Like it was no thing.  With the other kids assembled below, mouths agape.  (As I typed this, it hit me that surely it couldn’t have been thirty feet.  Like, 3-0.  And so I texted Matt to confirm.  His response?  “At least.”  My response?  “Dear Jesus, help me.”)



This kid has slayed kindergarten and has brought laughter to many in the process.  There’s been a steady banter going on this year between Mary Grace and her hilariously awesome teacher’s assistant who has dubbed my darling child, “Mary Mary Quite Contrary”.  Ahem.

Mary Grace has a quick wit, abounding(!) energy(!), and an uncanny ability to lead others.

She’s a lover of art (her self-portrait makes me smile)…


…and a lover of animals.  Bats.  Foxes.  Earthworms.  Lizards.  Nasty, screechy rodents.  Girl adores all of ’em.  Every single creature is the best. ever.  Except for her own PET DOG for whom she has zero regard.  And perhaps a small bit of disdain.  I don’t even know.



When not working and pastoring, Matt plans to spend his summer throwing small children.  Into lakes.  Pools.  Rivers.  All the while, his doting wife will cheer from afar and will take photos for her kids’ non-existent scrapbooks and will say encouraging words about his strength and kid-tossing stamina.  Because there are books to read.  And I ain’t getting in that lake water.





Just hanging on for dear life.  Doing what it takes.  And not scrapbooking.