my husband makes me cool

Driving home from work today, I called Matt to thank him for being such a huge sports fan. You see, I try very hard to make some sort of personal connection with every one of my patients, and that can sometimes be a little tough with the “I’m too cool for you” teenage boy crowd.

Today seemed to be the Day of Pubescent Boys at the office. I didn’t connect quite as much with the tough- but perfectly polite- gang member who tried to teach me about “brotherhood.” I mean, I do have experience with the sisterhood of Kappa Kappa Gamma, but I don’t think he would have been down with the notion of philanthropies and formals. Being branded by his fellow brothas was more his scene.

I did, however, have Matt to thank for upping my cool quotient with two different guys in for sports physicals. I was totally able to hold my own in separate conversations about Derek Jeter, University of Florida football, and the fate of the Baltimore Orioles. I’d like to think that these guys were so taken by my vast sports knowledge that they took detailed mental notes as I switched gears to discuss such things as testicular self exams and steroid use. Wishful thinking, perhaps. Perhaps I need just a few more nights in front of ESPN to get me there.