The Allison fort is still hanging in there…

1. Chloe
She still has her eye, but the vet now says that she has a corneal ulcer. According to my Google research (I’m so scholarly), these ulcers are extremely painful for dogs, so I have been giving Chloe extra love offerings of peanut butter today out of sympathy. Oh, and those drops that I’ve been struggling to put in her eye twice a day for the past two weeks–well, come to find out, they only make corneal ulcers worse. Fabulous. We have now switched medications and have a follow-up appointment on Friday. After the past two chaotic trips to the vet, at least I scheduled this next one for when Matt will be home from work. You live and you learn.

2. Sleep
I got a five and a half hour stretch of sleep in last night. We’re getting there!

3. Emptying our fridge
Lasagna is thawing out for Matt’s dinner tonight. I’m eating leftovers.

4. Remaining calm
I’m doing okay today… and as the AA mantra goes, “one day at a time.”

1 Comment on Status Update

  1. “as the AA mantra”

    Did you know that Lou Montanez was brought up from the AA league Bowie Baysox and played his first game for the Orioles last night?

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