It snowed.


It was warm.


It snowed.


 And it was warm.  Again.  Welcome to North Carolina.

Actually, this creek picture was taken yesterday.  Minutes before Elizabeth tumbled into about three feet of creek water.  Three feet of post-SNOW creek water that I, too, had the privilege of jumping in to experience while I dragged a shivering Elizabeth out.  It was awesome.


Meanwhile, Carson wrapped up his first basketball season which he loved.  Matt coached, which he loved.  And I was a spectator of a kid sport that moved INFINITELY FASTER than my nemesis, tee-ball, which YES I loved.  All good things.


The girls remain inseparable and continue to keep me on my toes with their antics, both adorably endearing…


 …and not.

This gem was taken after Mary Grace’s closet door mysteriously broke during “rest time”.  True to form, Mary Grace Spin Master turned it all around and pointed her finger at me.  ME.  “Mom, it’s all YOUR FAULT!  You NEVER TOLD ME not to kick doors!!”

Hold me.


We’re also in the throes of packing and prepping our house to put on the market in the next few weeks which, with this crew, may very likely drive me to an early grave.  So there’s that.  Anyone who has tried to sell a house inhabited by (adorable. but destructive.) young children gets it.

Matt and I were reflecting last week on how we, as a family, have jumped from one major life event to the next over the past few years.  That we have hardly had a chance to pause and rest before the next kid/job/surgery/move burst onto the scene.  And we have speculated that perhaps this is it!  After this move, things will surely calm down!  We’ll pause!  Rest!  Alas!


And I’m pretty sure that God looked down on us and laughed.  Hysterically.