And then there was Carson- the three year who shaved countless years off of my life from his reckless driving on the John Deere power wheels. He cackled with glee and I prayed for divine intervention as he spun out and took turns way too fast. Let’s just say he will never get a driver’s license. Nope. Not that child.

And, yes, that is my brother and his dog following close behind on my mom’s new prized possession. A golf cart. Although we all openly questioned/mocked my mom for this purchase, I now confess that the golf cart was driven constantly and enjoyed by all. Dearest madre, forgive me for doubting y.our purchasing wisdom.

After a weekend jam packed with family, great food (none of which was prepared by me), water, and farmland, it took every bit of willpower within me to hop back into our car to come home. And now that I’m home, I have plenty of time to plot our next little trip up to the rivah. šŸ™‚