Dude. I don’t think I can handle the excitement around here these days. Let’s review…

1. Baby Ann Elise was born this week to one of my dear friends from way back in the day (i.e. when Ace of Base and poofy bangs were all the rage). It took every bit of willpower within me not to pick up and drive to Charlottesville to meet her. But alas, I remembered that I have a family to tend to and a job to work. Christian, don’t let her grow up too much before I get to see her at Christmas!

2. The McGee family received a referral for an eight week old little boy from Ethiopia yesterday!! We have been blessed to walk alongside the McGees during this crazy adoption process, and we now rejoice with them as they prepare to travel to Ethiopia to meet their son.

3. It’s December, Christmas season is in full swing, my presents are essentially all bought and wrapped, and now I can sit back and soak in the season. Scratch that. There won’t be much sitting back as our calendar is a bit jam packed at the moment. However, I just can’t contain my excitement this time of year… and having two young kids who freak out in glee over every single tacky Christmas light we pass just augments my giddiness.

4. FIVE (5!!!) days until Matt is done with seminary! As his schoolwork winds down, we both already feel as though a heavy load has been lifted from us. I wish I could say that I have always been 100% supportive of his decision to return to school. Instead, I have been a brat from time to time about this (I know- shocker, right?). BUT I can say that we have both emerged from this journey as a stronger couple. A stronger couple that is so. stinking. ready to be done with school.

5. Word on the street (or in the adoption blogosphere) is that all of the talk about our cases being closed six months after approval might not be so relevant anymore. Not sure why things have changed… and we still don’t have any “official” word on this… but we are pretty stoked that we might not have that hard and fast February deadline after all. This is so good and is a definite answer to prayer! God has been so faithful thus far in our adoption, and I can hardly wait to see what He has in store for us! (umm, hopefully a referral. soon. just sayin’.)

1 Comment on can’t handle the excitement

  1. Hey there! I actually found your blog through a mutual friend! Jonathon foote. We have recently adopted a sweet little baby girl. I am excited to start following your blog and adding you to my prayer list!

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