Apparently, only like one of you was perceptive enough to pick up on the name we have chosen for our little guy in this post. Either that or you’re too stalkerish to comment. Which you shouldn’t be because I really like comments in a really pathetic “I need affirmation way too much” kind of way. Anyway, way to go, Christian- it must be that TES education. šŸ™‚

The name Matt and I have chosen is Wyatt Matthew Allison.


Let’s start with “Wyatt”. This name has been passed down in my family for generation after generation. Growing up, I loved to hear stories of my great-great-grandfather Wyatt, and I have always been a little sad that I never had the chance to meet him. Wyatt also means “little warrior” which I love. I could totally over-spiritualize that now, but I will spare you and save that for another time.

Then there’s Matthew. What an awesome thing that this son of ours- who will bear no resemblance to us at all- will bear his father’s name. Matthew means “gift of God.” Every child is a gift of God. Not one is an accident or an afterthought. That child abandoned on the streets of Kigali? Yes, God has a plan and purpose for him. We pray that our little Wyatt Matthew will always find his identity as a beloved gift and child of God.

Wyatt Matthew. A little warrior gift of God. I can hardly wait to meet you.