Big news! Our caseworker called me today to introduce herself and discuss possible days in the coming month for our home visit. She quickly mentioned that she just had a cancellation for this Thursday but was sure that we would probably need more notice than that. I agreed. That was crazy. Our home visit in two days? Ha.
Then I talked to my husband. And of course, he talked me into calling her back and scheduling this hugely important step of our adoption for Thursday. As in 36 hours from now. I called my work, and they are graciously rescheduling my patients for that morning, and then I called our caseworker back who was pleasantly surprised that we are able to get this out of the way so quickly.
She will be at our home from about 9am until 1pm. She will interview me and Matt as a couple and then each of us individually. Thank you Jesus that Carson is not yet three, otherwise he would be interviewed as well!! The good Lord only knows what that child would say if interviewed…
Anyway, essentially she wants to know our story and if we’re fit to have another child in our family. I’m really hoping we’re given the green light, or else I am going to seriously question the well-being and livelihood of my other two children. She will then type up our homestudy which will eventually be sent to Rwanda along with every other piece of information that could possibly be relevant to our lives.
So please please pray for us on Thursday morning! This is really happening, people!