Confession: Growing up, I always inwardly made fun of the homeschooled kids. I know! I’m such a sinner, right? I just could never get the denim jumper, long braided hair, socially awkward kid image out of my head. (Umm and if you were homeschooled and knew me growing up, you clearly don’t meet that stereotype. So stop giving your computer monitor the evil eye.)
Well, God must have a sense of humor because I have found myself dabbling in the world of homeschooling over the past few weeks. Obviously, I am not going overboard with anything major. I mean, I’m dealing with an extraordinarily active two year old boy here. We just can’t do formal preschool for Carson at this point, yet he is just such a sponge and an eager learner that I felt it to be negligent not to teach him everything I could.
Right now, we’re sticking with a letter a week which has worked out well. We’ve also been working on numbers, sorting, and patterns. Cutting with scissors is huge hit for Carson, though we have had one pair of shorts bite the dust from an unfortunate incident with the scissors. At least it wasn’t skin. Oh, and the kid can’t get enough of painting. We have also been hitting up story time at the library each week, and I have been trying to check out more than just the Thomas/Little Critters/Dora variety of fine literature. This week, our library books are teaching us about ants, rain, stars, and roosters. Yes, roosters. They brought in a live rooster to story time yesterday which thrilled Carson… only in Johnston County.
Overall, this has been super fun for both of us. Carson’s learning a ton, and I’m allowing my inner nerdiness to shine through.