Now that an actual moving day is in sight, I have become ridiculously engrossed in sorting through our oddball possessions and pieces of paperwork. I have generated mountains of trash and bags for Goodwill. I have organized hundreds (thousands?) of photos, created a new filing system for important documents, and have stumbled across some relics of my childhood. One such token of my childhood that really cracked me up was my first diary. Allow me to share from the heart of seven year old me:

Things I don’t like…
Peas [still hate ’em], homework, bugers [I believe I meant “boogers”], hotdogs [still hate these too], brown, cleaning, robbers, most boys

Things I like…
Barbies, stickers, jackets [what??], joging sutes [I do love my sweats]

Things I love <3<3...
Money [what a greedy little kid], chrismis, birthday, dolls, baked potatos, mashed potados, books, and MOOR

Apparently my love for list making started young, and my opinions on all that is good and bad in life have not changed too much either.

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