In the words of the great Celine Dion, it’s all coming back, it’s all coming back to me now.

Why does summer feel so wondrous and yet so… challenging… in the same moment?  Why do I feel a constant tension in work versus play?  Relaxation versus GoGoGoing?

Because, oh yeah, KIDS.  Three kids with three completely different personalities and three wildly varied levels of energy.

We’ve got this:


and we’ve got this:


IMG_9642And this:

IMG_9649Fun! And excitement!

IMG_9679And, ladies and gents, dazed and confused and exhausted.


As I said, wondrous + challenging.

IMG_5267But we do the best we can.  We live and learn.  We rest.


And we go.  And go.  And we go.


Celine, you are spot on.  There are moments of gold.  And there are flashes of light.


But then there are those things we’d never do again (but then they’d always seemed right)…


Ah, summer.

It’s all coming back, it’s all coming back to me now….

Baby, Baby.