Not to gloat or anything, but I get quite a bit of satisfaction from having the winning bracket and beating the pants off of a bunch of ESPN-addicted guys.

Hahahaha… how many times is this now, Matt?? šŸ™‚

4 Comments on oh the sweet taste of victory

  1. Haha you beat me, but I came in first in my bracket too with 111 points, so I say gloat away!!! By the way, I cannot believe Mary Grace is 6 months already, she is so freakin cute!!!! Loved the Easter pictures of both of them, hope yall are doing well!

  2. Whoo Whoo!! Go Catherine! I won my bracket too (by 60pts–not that I'm counting) simply by virtue of predicting the Duke/WVU match-up and the Duke win.

    Go, Girl! May Mary Grace inherit her mom's fine basketball sensibilities.

  3. Yeah you just moved way up in my book of cool people. And of course I really do have a book, I keep it under my pillow šŸ™‚

  4. Beating me is no big deal, you've done it every year I've known you.

    My thing is, you only beat 97% of the nation, what's wrong with you this year?

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