For the love.
I’ve written 1,000 blog posts? One THOUSAND?

When I started this blog in 2007, I was great with child numero uno.  I started mom-blogging because that’s what all moms did in the pre-instagram dark ages.  And because I’m a total follower.  Apparently.

1,000 posts later, a lot has happened.  A LOT.  And as much as I love this blog for its documentation of kid milestones and family memories, I love it even more for its documentation of God’s hand at work.

Over the past seven years, we’ve experienced some pretty intense highs and lows.  Two healthy pregnancies.  One failed adoption.  Some STINKIN HARD months leading up to the joyous day we brought Elizabeth home from Congo.  Jobs and a church we love.  Cancer.  God’s gracious healing.  And learning more of God’s mercy and grace as I fall flat on my face time and time and time again.

Y’all, as I scrolled through the past 999 blog posts, I cried.  I cried because month to month and year to year, God’s presence is so obvious.  While I haven’t always felt it and sometimes I have straight-up yelled “God, where in the heck ARE YOU?”, his goodness and faithfulness have always been the theme.

Sometimes God sends us reminders of his past faithfulness because we forget all too easily.  And so I’ll keep blogging.  Because I need reminders.  And they’re everywhere.