Last night marked Carson’s final soccer game of the season, and alas, the moment he had been waiting for for months arrived. The trophy. Moments after receiving this long awaited prize, Carson exclaimed, “This is why I could never sleep before! I didn’t have a trophy!”

Huh?! Whatever, if that’s true and a trophy will transform Carson into a stellar sleeper, I will go rob and pillage a trophy store today. Not realllly.

But as cute as his posed trophy pic is, I thought I’d include some of the outtakes of the evening.* Because, really, in the world of three year old soccer, it’s all one big outtake.

Here we see Coach pulling Carson and his BFF off of each other. They were quite a mess together and could be found tackling one another much of the soccer season. The best part of it all: his family goes to our church! Hellooo Clayton small group!

When the train passes by, the soccer game comes to an immediate stop. That’s just how little boys and girls roll.

Poor little Mary Grace totally thought she was part of the team this season, so this was a common scene as I had to remove her from the action. Two more years, baby girl…

And leave it to my son to become a little comedian out there on the field. He had all of those on the sidelines cracking up as he decided it was way cooler to wander around and tackle people with his jersey on his head. If it was not the final minutes of the final game, I may have put an end to such shenanigans, but, honestly, everyone was kind of enjoying the sideshow….

Aww. My little soccer star. 😉

*A HUGE shout out to Carson’s fan club/personal photographer for last night’s game… Lauren, we love you!

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