This weekend, we spent some time laughing and reminiscing while scrolling through the past nearly 6 (!) years of blog posts.  While doing so, I had a couple thoughts:

1. How in the heck did I have enough time to blog on a seemingly daily basis for a while there?  Did I ever get dressed?  Feed my kids?  Sleep?

and 2. I’m so glad I have it.

Sometimes, I feel like our life these days is too mundane for any meaningful posts.  But then I look back on those mundane posts about blowout diapers and first steps and new jobs and adoption stress and realize that there is beauty in the ordinary.  So, in light of this, here is a sampling of our ordinary over the past few weeks.


A few weeks ago, we dressed our kids in all sorts of licensed apparel and headed to a Duke football game where they might just have been the cutest little brainwashed Blue Devil fans out there.


The highlight (lowlight?) of the experience was when Mary Grace caught sight of the opponent’s dance team who were quite scantily clad, essentially wearing a few sequins as a “dress”.  As she watched them parade out in all of their sequined glory, she gasped, “WHAT are those?!”


I can handle the cheerleader get-up, but the two-sequin-dress?  Lord, help us.


Before we headed home, we found Matt’s grandfather who does not miss a Duke game.  You see, the love of the school runs deep.  Also, I think I have a crush on Matt’s grandfather.  Is that weird?


Then there was the time Mary Grace broke her clavicle…


…and made a full, quick recovery.  Because can anything slow her down for long?


And let’s not forget last weekend when all of the various campuses of our church gathered together as one church at the Durham Bulls Ballpark.  11,500 people showed up.  530 people were baptized.  It was pretty unbelievable.


Somehow, we managed to catch a semi-decent family picture in spite of the day’s craziness.


We’ve experienced some major ‘tudes.


And unending (oh, it’s never-ever-ending) energy.


And a certain little two year old who continues to blow our minds with how far she’s come over the past nine months.


Mundane?  Maybe.  Exhausting?  Sweet goodness, yes.  But, at the risk of sounding trite, I seriously wouldn’t trade it for anything.

1 Comment on the recent mundane

  1. yes! That’s why I blog too…what seems like little details that no one will care about are really important details that you don’t want to forget! It’s a great way to document your life so your kiddos can one day read about it!

    I am in love with your sassy girls and oh-so-sweet Carson. What a beautiful family!

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