… you start having birthday parties at church!
Carson’s dinosaur birthday party was this morning… yes, at church. We live so stinkin’ far from everyone that we decided to bring the party to the people! We had so much fun and were thoroughly exhausted by the time we made it home. Carson’s already talking up next year’s birthday party…. a race car party with “race car fossils”, per Carson. Geez… what have I started?! š
Amped. Up.
Sweet Ainsley and Mary Grace
Excavating fossils from Tupperware containers… a sure hit among preschoolers
After paper macheing these dino eggs for hours, I almost wanted to cry when the kids broke into them in 30 seconds flat. It really was pretty cool though.
Make your own dirt cake… with M&M dino eggs naturally. Messy and yummy.
Carson totally scooped handfuls of crushed oreos into his mouth. He’s on a sugar detox currently.
The Shelton boys were hilarious with their fascination with Dinosaur Train clips.
Carson was liberal with hugs and kisses today. What a player.
Eight kids all seated at one time? This shot is a pure miracle… despite the birthday boy’s eyes being closed. I love these kids.
Sweet Ainsley and Mary Grace
Excavating fossils from Tupperware containers… a sure hit among preschoolers
After paper macheing these dino eggs for hours, I almost wanted to cry when the kids broke into them in 30 seconds flat. It really was pretty cool though.
Make your own dirt cake… with M&M dino eggs naturally. Messy and yummy.
Carson totally scooped handfuls of crushed oreos into his mouth. He’s on a sugar detox currently.
The Shelton boys were hilarious with their fascination with Dinosaur Train clips.
Carson was liberal with hugs and kisses today. What a player.
Eight kids all seated at one time? This shot is a pure miracle… despite the birthday boy’s eyes being closed. I love these kids.